Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hairstyle & Haircut Collection by Noelle Summers

How Do Fingernails Grow

As for the human body, nails play an important role in health, in protection, in beauty, expressing you.  It resembles with a horn that covers the phalanges of fingers or of toes. Nails are not present only on humans, but they also can be seen on animals, like primates or other mammals.

They are a development of the claws that can be found in all living creatures, from chicken, cats, pigs to lions, bears.

How do fingernails grow in comparison to toenails? The growth of the fingernails differs from the growth of the toenails. The toenails grow slower than the fingernails. Keratin is the substance the nails are made from, it is the same that makes up the hair and gives the layer of your skin. Nails are bound to the finger by the nail bed and they are also attached to little blood vessels. The blood vessels have the role to feed the nail. That is how the pinkish color of your nail is achieved, by the blood vessels attached to it.


The nail starts to grow from the nail bed. That is how, your nails become longer. The root of your nail is found hidden after the cuticle. The cuticle has the role of protecting it from bacterial infections and from any other violent impact a nail may have. When the nail grows, it grows together with that small white part of the bottom of the nail, called lunula or half-moon. The half-moon gathers around it some cells that grow keratin. Keratin is like a protein of the nails. With the help of keratin the nail is pushed out.

The fingernails grow about two point five millimeters each month. That means that if a nail is completely torn apart from your nail bed, it could take it up to six months to grow back.

Nails are a protecting field for your fingertips and toes, that is why, one should take good care of it. Though most of us are born with strong thick fingernails, through the years, through biting them polishing them and using the nail polish removers, they no longer have the same resistance.


Also, there is a difference between the young people growth of a nail and the elder’s growth of a nail. The youngsters have faster growing fingernails that the older people. They are also growing according to the climate they are living, as during the summer days nails grow faster than during the winter days, in the countries where they have sunny climates all over the year have a faster rate of fingernails growth.

Though hard to see, men’s fingernails grow faster than those of women. Nevertheless, the fastest growing fingernails are those of children. What causes the growth of a fingernail, is the blood circulation, that is why, as you use your hands more often, your nails grow faster than one using the hands at a steady peace. It is good to be aware of how do fingernails grow, this way you would pay more attention to their health.

Most of the times, when arriving at a certain length, nails break off and you can no longer use your hands. The best thing to do, just like the hair, is to have a constant length of your fingernails, so that you may not encounter any problems with breaking off, with the lack of vitamins etc.

How Do Fingernails Grow

Updo hairstyle from Sienna Miller


Sienna Miller’s look is perfect whether you are taking it by day or by night, as it has just enough casual flair to take it to work or on errands with you, and the same amount of elegance to don it at an evening event. To get this updo hairstyle, you may want to start with second day hairstyle as this will give you some more bend and make your hair easier to work with.


Because of the various formal occasions, there are many possible types of updos: wedding updos, prom updos and for other events as well. Updo hairstyles really are a work of art, and for this reason that updos hairstyles are a favorite with celebrities for evening occasions.


Updo hairstyle from Sienna Miller

Men’s Fingernails

According to the dictionary a manicure is a special treatment for nails, enjoyed both by men and women. It is so much easier to maintain men’s fingernails neat and clean if they are trimmed. Although in the past manicure was considered to be a feminine preoccupation, nowadays men started to really enjoy it. And even if that they say it is not true me give a lot on their look.

There are many salons that are waiting for you, to treat you as a king. You may be embarrassed and decide to do manicure at home. Here is what you will need: cotton sticks and balls, a really good file metal or board, clippers, scissors and a glass bowl with warm water in which you pour some drops of scented oil or liquid soap.

First step is cleaning your nails, using a soft brush, then file them. Be careful and do this operation only form one direction. Nails can be also shortened with the scissors. In this case you have to file them then. Hang nails should be also cut, but not the cuticles. Push them down with an cotton stick. 1-2 millimeters represents the adequate length for men’s fingernails. Treat your nails with cuticle cream or remover. For ten minutes, soak your nails.

You can push down the soft cuticles easily and remove the dirt under the nails and the tinny particles after filing. Take a brush and gently scrub your nails and hands. If you have any rough edges, stains or calluses remove them with a wet pumice stone.

Dry your hands with a smooth towel and use again the cotton stick to push down cuticles. Don’t use any metal instrument for this. You are almost ready. Buff nails to make their surface smooth. As with filing, buff them in one direction only. If contrary nails may get really hot. If you want nails to have a special shine, use a polishing paste. It can be purchased from any drug store. Finally polish nails with a clear enamel. Nails will get an interesting look if you apply a base coat or a light polish, and soon after that you wipe the surface of the nail with a cotton stick.

Now you know the steps to a perfect manicure. What you will also need is a professional and good quality manicure set. Manicure kits were in a continuous transformation in the past years. Today are very in fashion the stainless steel instruments, with a stylish and practical. Be sure that it contains the most important tools: finger and toe nail cutter.

Check if the last one can clip even the strongest toenails; scissors – a small pair, used both for trimming nails and hung nails or to cut small hair from ears, nose or whiskers; nail buffer; emery board – preferably made of sand paper. You will file nails with it.; cuticle pusher – this instrument must be made of plastic; nail brush; tweezers; razor with blades; pocket knife.

Car kits are sometimes preferred because they are equipped with all necessary instruments but take up less space – an essential detail for most men. The only disadvantage may be the fact that the tools are smaller than usual, but if you will try them, you will realize that they are as good as big ones.

Men’s Fingernails

2009 Simple Haircare Tips

2009 Simple Haircare Tips


Taking care of your hair can be a big process, but it also can be fun and easier than you may think. There are so many hair products that you can use around the house that are natural and good for the earth.


When your hair is dry, if added texture or volume is desired flip your head over and back, then give it a quick shake. To set it all in place, lightly spray your hair with hair spray. Spray your entire head with a Beach Spray and allow to air dry. Towel dry freshly washed hair thoroughly to begin the foundation.


2009 Simple Haircare Tips

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